BREAKING: Secure Your Spot by June 1st For The Next Live 15-Day Challenge!

Breakthrough What's Holding You Back And

Experience Limitless Freedom
 Experience Limitless Freedom

It's time to be true to yourself and walk into life 
being EXACTLY who you were meant to be.

Listen up exhausted moms, confused entrepreneurs, and overwhelmed personal development junkies...I'm taking to you!


Next Intake 

June 1st

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds


Delivered Daily On Facebook

Next Intake June 1st

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds


Delivered Daily On Facebook
Let me guess: Your life, per your Instagram filter, makes it seem like you have everything figured're living the dream, you have the perfect family, and the (toilet paper stash LOL). You're SUPERWOMAN...

Annndddd……You’re exhausted. Sound about right?

In these anxious times, you're tired of doing what you think is expected of you rather than doing what YOU REALLY WANT in life.

You feel like you've put others needs before your own so much so that you're not even sure how to start showing up for yourself again.

You want more from your life but you aren't quite sure what "more" really looks like. 

Friend, I know EXACTLY how you feel...
Ready to walk into life being EXACTLY who you were meant to be 
Ready to walk into life being 
EXACTLY who you were meant to be 
15 Day Self-Discovery Challenge 
Where you’ll start finally showing up for YOURSELF!

Discover your full potential, dream bigger than you ever have 
before, and discover your life's purpose

I Want to PERSONALLY Work With You To Help You Find Your Answers, 
& Solve Your Problems, And Start Your Healing 
In Less Than 28 Days!
Hi, I'm Halle Cottis...

One day when I was nine years old I was playing outside when I overheard a family friend telling my mom, "Halle’s going to be a beautiful girl once she loses that baby fat".

It stopped me dead in my tracks. Wait, I’m fat? I’m not beautiful?

I can vividly remember praying to God, “God please, I’ll do ANYTHING…just make me thin again”.

3 years went by and God had not answered my prayers, and I felt so betrayed. At that point I knew I had to take matters into my own hands.

I started by dramatically restricting my calories and exercised hours upon hours each and every day.

The weight came off, but as you can imagine my self-hatred for myself started to manifest quickly.  

I continued to have these limiting beliefs that I was not good enough and never would be.

It was no surprise that I got involved in a toxic relationship with a narcissist who mentally and emotionally abused me for 3 years. I didn’t love and respect myself, why would anyone else, right?

It's funny how lessons are taught through unexpected circumstances. 

You see at the time this was all going down, my horse Mingo became lame in one of his legs. The vet informed me that in order for him to heal, I'd have spend some time with him and ride him daily.

So that's what I did.  Each day I rode out into the pasture in hopes that this would help my horse heal. 

But little did I know as my horse began to heal, so did I.

You see, spending time with myself as we went on our daily rides allowed me to heal my self-hatred for myself.

And you know what...once I started to love myself again, I became stronger and by the grace of God, my toxic relationship ended.
Hello, I’m Halle Cottis, and make no mistake... you are here reading these words for a reason. 

You were put here on purpose, this is a message that you need to hear.

It’s time to LET GO of your LIMITING BELIEFS and START living your life on YOUR terms so that you can UNCOVER your LIMITLESS POTENTIAL! 

Now, I have to tell you that 9 years ago, I didn't believe that any of this was possible. 


Because I was the MASTER of living my life to meet OTHERS expectations. Seriously. 

I had a beautiful life, an amazing husband, 3 beautiful girls, a family dog, and even a white picket fence (for real...that fence was there). 

By most people's standards, I was living the dream. BUT it was far from MY dream life. I recall one day specifically… 

It was the first day ALL of my kids were in elementary school for the first time.  I dropped them off, came home to a quiet house and poured myself a cup of coffee and wondered now what?

“Oh My Goodness! Is this going to be MY life for the next 15 years?!?”

In that moment, a small little voice inside of me said… 

“Hell NO! You’re meant for MORE!” but the little devil on my shoulder immediately yelled…

“HELLO! May I remind you that you were always meant to be a MAMA and you can't possibly want more for yourself, that would be selfish...Your priorities should always be your family.” 

The thought of this absolutely CRUSHED me! 

My dream of having a more fulfilling life instantly disappeared because of my limiting beliefs. 

Yep, I was always worried about others needs...even before my own.  It was my pattern to take care of others... and that had me living my "less-than-best" life.
I bet you've spent the better part of your life not doing what you want, and spent most of your time putting everyone else’s needs above your own. 

If someone  said "Quick, tell me what your greatest desire is?" would you be able to tell them WITHOUT feeling guilty about your decision or feeling like you don't deserve it?

If so, let me ask you one important question...

Are you ready to strip your limiting beliefs, and spend the next 
15-Days with me UNCOVERING your true AUTHENTIC SELF so that 
you can FINALLY start experiencing LIMITLESS FREEDOM?

I’m talking 15 life-changing days to discover the secrets of living in alignment with YOURSELF & Your PASSIONS...all from the comfort of your own home.

Are you in, are you ready to start taking a chance on yourself?

I hope so… because I. Cannot. Wait.

Once I discovered how to confidently connect to my true inner-self and gave myself permission to live MY life the way I wanted to without the influence of other peoples opinions, I felt freedom in the most spectacular kind of way. I want the same for you...

Gone are the days of NOT listening to that little voice inside of you…

Gone are the days of thinking that your needs don't matter...

Gone are the days of thinking that your dreams aren't possible...

Here's the thing...once you start showing up for yourself and kick your limiting beliefs to the curb, some totally rockin' things can happen…

Things like…
  Starting a business from the comfort of your own home…
  Taking a chance to move across country, to LIVE in a sun-drenched area that people only dream of vacationing at.
  Fulfilling a dream of living a more enriched life that's drenched with purpose.
  Becoming a leader and making a difference within your community
  Transforming your life by taking massive action.

It's time to see what your future looks like and I know you're ready to take the action required to find out.
I was a former Keto fan but began eating a more plant based lifestyle 5 months ago after suffering from breast implant illness. 3 months ago I started drinking 16 ounces of celery juice religiously every morning. Most recently I did the 28 day cleanse for 3 weeks ... 😃🙌🏻 Words cannot describe what a 180 my body, mind and spirit have done in these past 3 months, more specifically these past 4 weeks. After suffering from brain fog, low energy, Hashimotos, heart palpitations, racing heart, brittle nails and hair, gas and bloating, kidney pain and skin breakouts I’m ecstatic to say all those symptoms are gone!!! 

I got sick 4 years ago, literally overnight, from active and hard working to disabled in a wheelchair, with severe muscle paralysis and weakness along with an array of other debilitating symptoms (POTS, vertigo, constant brain fog and dizziness, IBS, cystitis, fatty liver, gallstones, food allergies etc...)...HEALTH is your BIRTHRIGHT.
Never stop fighting until you get healthy, and let no one tell you otherwise. 
Today marks the first time that I can actually say that I am feeling the best I’ve ever felt for the past 4 years. 
I saw DOZENS of doctors and would go to the ER every other week due to the pain. Every single doctor just handed me prescription drugs, told me this is just something I have to get used to, and there was nothing they could do. So how was I able to beat this endless cycle of SIBO without doctors?...I learned that the food I thought was healthy were actually feeding pathogens inside my body and keeping me sick...I have healed more than I ever could’ve imagined in just five short months!! and if you’re currently struggling with stomach problems, I KNOW you can heal too!

During my own reinvention, I've helped so many other women transform their lives and start living their lives with love and purpose. Take Julie and Hilary for example, here's what they're saying about the challenge...
I felt that I needed to be friends with everyone. I put myself out there and would do anything for anyone, even if it was negatively affecting my life.

My relationships with my loved ones was suffering. I was physically drained and unable to show up for myself and I even loss my desire to keep a tidy house, something I once prided myself in.

After working with Halle, I identified why I was putting other people's needs above my own and discovered how easy it was to make simple boundary changes which ultimately allowed me to start showing up for myself. 
I did the work and followed the process and not only did this benefit me, but everyone around me noticed how much more present I was and how I was enjoying living in the moment.

I found out how easy it is to continue to live my life intentionally and I'm much happier for it.
I spent years not knowing who I was.  I lived my life for others and if I'm being honest, I lost my way years ago and didn't know how to find myself again.

As I worked my way through the challenge, I was able to release my emotional baggage. I found ways to make myself a priority and learned how to connect with my true inner-self again.  I found the courage to put myself first and boy, did that ever feel good.
I've created a new environment for myself that promotes better relationships, positive energy, and I'm now living happily with a complete sense of freedom.


I get it... as an exhausted mom, or an overwhelmed personal development junkie or even a confused entrepreneur...choosing to put yourself first sometimes feels impossible.

You might wear the hats of a mother, a wife, a homemaker, a problem solver, a chef, an Uber driver (just wait...those kids need to go EVERYWHERE), and that's just the tip of what you I right?

But you're also YOU {Insert Your Name} -- and it's time to call out the powerful woman inside of you and get clear on who you want to become.

If you're reading this, permissions been granted to put yourself first.

When you choose yourself today, amazing things are going to happen.

5 Days of Exclusive Training For Crushing Your Limiting Beliefs

The first 5 days we dive into what you really want from your life. We identify your limiting beliefs and learn effective strategies to release the emotions behind the limiting beliefs. We dial into why you may be resentful towards others and learn the one thing you can do TODAY to experience total freedom. 

5 Days of Personal Development Coaching For Showing Up For Yourself

The next 5 days we dive into ways to show up for yourself. We reveal how to connect to your true inner-self and learn to process emotions and information so that you can easily eliminate emotional baggage. We discover techniques to trust yourself and value time. We set boundaries that allow you to live a life the way you want to without the influence of other people's opinions.  

5 Days Of In-Depth Life Coaching For Uncovering Your Limitless Potential

Finally the last five days we create harmony for you and your loved ones and learn strategies to effectively communicate your vision. We expose how to listen to your inner-guidance and we define what your life looks like living as your authentic self without being apologetic. Finally we create the right mindset to manifest your dreams and learn how to take massive action to get results.
DAYS 1-5: Discover how to connect to your true inner-self so that you can CONFIDENTLY walk into life being EXACTLY who you were meant to be.
First, you’ll be able to… 
  • Strip away your limiting beliefs that are dominating your life.
  • ​Have TRUE UNDERSTANDING of who you REALLY are by exploring your type of energy.
  • ​Create the CONFIDENCE to be the person you were always meant to be by choosing to put yourself first.
  • ​Give yourself permission to live YOUR life the way YOU want to without the influence of other peoples opinions. 
DAYS 6-10:  Discover how your gifts are uniquely positioned where your core values, strengths and passions intersect. 
Then you’ll be able to…
  • ​Use my powerful fool-proof equation that allows you to live your life with purpose.
  • ​​Identify emotions that are holding you back from taking a chance on yourself and release those fears for good
  • ​Learn how to set goals for yourself and how to make them really happen.
  • ​Write your visions down and read them every day - morning and night.
  • Surround yourself with those who believe and see greatness within you.
DAYS 11-15:  Uncover what you really, truly want in life (the answer may totally surprise you!)
Finally, here you’ll be able to…
  • ​Create the right mindset that can manifest your dreams.
  • ​Learn How To Follow Your Inner Guidance (What Your Heart Is Telling You)​!
  • ​​Learn how calculated risks often leads us to our biggest and greatest desires.
  • Create a safe atmosphere, a place where you are free to grow and be your true inner-self, and a place where you can FUFILL YOUR DREAMS.
Natural Solutions For Cleaning & Wellness Book
($21.95 Value)
In the Natural Solutions for Cleaning & Wellness book, I'll teach you how to remove toxins from your home and show you how to use natural remedies to improve your health.

This is a perfect companion for anyone who's wanting to create a better environment to thrive in and I'll have it shipped right to your doorstep!

International orders will be charged additional shipping & handling charges at checkout.
15 Days of Live Training with Halle 
($2,100 Value)
This challenge empowers YOU to live in alignment with your passions so that you can live to your fullest potential and live the life you really want.

Nothing gets me more excited than helping women embrace their true inner-selves but here's the thing... in order for that to happen, you have to be willing to TAKE THE FIRST STEP.  

I'm on a mission to liberate exhausted moms, overwhelmed personal development junkies, and anxious entrepreneurs to walk into a life being EXACTLY who they were meant to be.

I'm excited to REVEAL what that looks like for YOU!

Limitless Freedom Challenge Assignments 
($297 Value)
As you work on your self-development, chances are you'll need some activities to bring your AH-HA's to the surface...this is where the magic happens!!!

You'll receive hand-crafted challenge assignments & worksheets that are designed to allow you to have MAJOR breakthroughs! 

You'll probably grow more in 15 days than you have in the past 15 years! How exciting is that?!?

Access To All Video Recordings 
($297 Value)
I know you're busy and sometimes you might miss a live training session…but I’ve got you covered, friend! 

You'll have access to all of the video recordings!

Access To Our Private Facebook Group
($500 Value)
As you go through the Challenge, you may want some additional support.

Great News! My team, myself and other challengers are here for you...We're in this together!

In the group, you’ll be making new friends, sharing your wins, getting inspired and doing your challenge exercises.

Pinpoint & Ask For What You Want Framework
($97 Value)
I want to let in on the secret that all the confident, take-no-crap, boundary-setting people have known forever. If they want something, they go for it. They don’t stand around questioning whether or not they deserve to have it. 

I'm going to show you how to pinpoint what you want and how to ask for it and you're not going to believe how simple it is!

Limitless Freedom Completion Gift 
It's TOTALLY COOL when people finish what they start! So if you complete the 15-Day challenge, not only are you going to experience life-changing results, I’ll also send you a special gift! 

I know you're super-duper curious on what this gift is...but you're gonna have to wait because it's a SURPRISE! 
BONUS #1: The Fool-Proof 5 Step Live-Your-Life-With-Purpose Framework       
Value: $297

I didn't think it could be done, but I managed to document the exact process I use to accurately identify your life's purpose and I break it down into 5 easy-to-follow steps. The Live-Your-Life-With-Purpose Framework takes the guesswork out of figuring out your greatest gifts that you have to offer.

BONUS #2: Core Values Worksheet, Strength Worksheet, Hopes & Dreams Worksheet       
Value: $97

Wondering what you have to offer yourself and others? I knew you would! If you're working on self-development, chances are you need to know what your core values, strengths, and your hopes and dreams are first...this is where the magic happens!!! Here's are several worksheets to get your started TODAY!!!

BONUS #3: Energy Profiling Course         

Without a doubt EVERYTHING is energy, and that includes YOU.

We often become so out of alignment with our true inner-self that we no longer recognize who we are!

The good news is that we move through life 1 of 4 unique ways. Once you discover which energy you lead with, you can walk through life happy and with pure confidence.

BONUS #4: Hopes & Dreams Worksheet         
Value: $97
As you go through the Self-Discovery Challenge, you may have some questions.

Great News! My team and myself are here to support you and answer any questions you may have on your journey.  
By participating in the challenge, you will be eligible to win one of the following FABULOUS, life-changing prizes! Eeeeek!
1st Prize
Find Your Purpose Framework, 
Elite Limitless Freedom Method Home Study, 8 Weeks of Live Q&A's and Group Discovery Coaching Calls

(Value: $4,744)

2nd Prize
Find Your Purpose Framework, 
Elite Limitless Freedom Method Home Study

(Value: $697)

3rd Prize
Limitless Freedom Method Gift Pack which includes a Practice You Journal, and other goodies! 

(Valued at $197)

Freedom Fighters 15-Day Challenge
Where You'll Connect Your Life With Your Passions
Normally $197
JUST $47
  • ​15-Day Live Training Sessions with Halle Cottis to inspire and empower you ($2,100 Value)
  • ​Access to Video Recorded Training Sessions ($297 Value)
  • ​Access to our Private Facebook Group ($500 Value)
  • Limitless Freedom Challenge Assignments ($297 Value)
  • How To Ask For Exactly What You Want Download ($97 Value)
  • Limitless Freedom Completion Gift ($ xx Value - It's tacky to tell you the price of your gift, am I right?!) ;)
Total Value:  $3,380.95
  • ​Have a TRUE understanding of who you REALLY are and the CONFIDENCE to walk into life being EXACTLY who you were meant to be.
  • ​Have CLARITY to follow your inner-guidance to create the life you really want for yourself.
  • ​Understand that the BEST version of yourself, is when you put yourself first.
  • ​Have the right MINDSET to manifest your dreams.
  • ​ Have MOMENTUM to keep going with your new empowering lifestyle.
Probably best of all, you'll have an entire family supporting you on your journey moving forward!
Oh, and there’s one more thing I think you'll love...
Say whaaat?!? Oh yea.

The more the merrier, right? So, I’m including a very specially offer just for you…
We all want that special invitation to the "HOTTEST CLUB IN TOWN", am I right? Well you've got the SIZZLING TICKETS to get your friends through the front door and I just KNOW they're going to be SO excited you thought of them.

If you’re super excited about this challenge, I’m guessing at least 3 of your friends, family, or co-workers will be too… so once you join the 15 Day Challenge you’ll be given a special link.

Share with friends and family through social media, email, in person, or via text. When you see your 3 friends in the Private Facebook Group, simply tag the 3 friends and use the hashtag #iearnedafreechallenge. 

One of my team members will cross check with your 3 friends and'll get your challenge FOR FREE. How's that sound?

I don't know about you...but I just LOVE getting something for free!

Ok, so enough talking…it's time to take action and get signed up.

I can’t WAIT to get to know you and help you move to the next level! You are worth it and YOU deserve the life of your dreams!

With Love,
Limitless Potential 15-Day Challenge
Where You'll Connect Your Life With Your Passions
Normally $197
JUST $47
This Is EXACTLY How You Can Start Healing...
And to start enjoying your life again...or for the first time.

I want you to be able to spend more time with your family and friends...instead of traveling to doctors, and spending most of your time searching for answers...

And I want to show you how to start moving towards your dreams with joy.... 

Instead of accepting the pain, discomfort, and less-than life 

If you’re in pain or exhausted all the time …. IT IS NOT NORMAL.

If you have ANY of the conditions I’ve shared, you cannot have them without one of these epidemics! 

YES. We all get older and can get sick. BUT a lot of what we’re suffering through is NOT NORMAL

For example…

  • ​Some parts of menopause ARE normal. But hot flashes are a result of the EBV.
  • ​Headaches CAN be normal after a hard day. But frequent, common migraines are not. This is a result of toxic heavy metals.
  • It makes sense to be tired and exhausted after a rough day. But if you’re suffering from chronic insomnia, you’re probably suffering from an overload of toxic heavy metals.
  • ​You can have bad skin and pimples or dry skin. BUT eczema and psoriasis are a result of Toxic Heavy Metals.
  • ​Type 1 diabetes is a genetic disorder. But type 2 diabetes is a sluggish liver.
  • ​It might be normal to gain weight if you’re eating poorly. BUT not when you have a healthy diet. Or even if you’re entering menopause. This too is a result of a sluggish liver.
  • ​High cholesterol CAN be genetic. BUT if your eating is average, chances are heart disease is a result of a sluggish liver!
This is how my 28-Day Healing Cleanse Challenge works?
You can get started today, and can choose to start at whichever level you’re most comfortable with:
  • beginners level
  • ​intermediate level
  • ​advanced level.
These different levels help us start healing quickly, but in a more gentle way.

Optimal healing happens at the advanced level. But that’s just too hard for a lot of people who are just starting out. It was for me!

We’re already suffering enough. Why add any more to it!!!!

So the question I have for you is…
  • Are you ready to heal? 
  • Are you ready for a challenge?
  • Are you ready to say no to all of the stuff that’s actually making you sicker...
I created a beginners level, intermediate level, and advanced level.

Obviously, optimal healing happens at the advanced level. 

But it is SO hard to start there.

These different levels help us start healing quickly, but in a gentler way. 

We’re already suffering enough. Why add any more to it!!!! 

So pick ANY LEVEL and watch yourself start healing on a deep cellular level. 

So the question I have for you is...

Are you ready to heal? 
Are you ready for a challenge?
Are you ready to say no to all of the stuff that’s actually making you sicker...
And Say YES to what can ACTUALLY heal you!
Not mask the pain.

Not just deal with the symptoms.


The first step is a cleanse!

And to help you through that, I'm inviting you to take part in my 28-Day Healing Cleanse Challenge.

I implore you to take me up on this opportunity because chances are you could be getting sicker if you don't take action today.

And as I've stated before, I don't want another single woman to suffer!
Don't Just Take My Word For It, 
See How I've Inspired Thousands Of Women
To Become Healing Crusaders Themselves!
As Featured In Women's World Magazine!
That's right! Just recently I was featured in the Women's World Magazine. In the article I talk about how my holistic approach helped me heal from a wide range of issues. 

As a Holistic Life & Wellness Coach, I focus on coaching others on how to create a non-toxic environment where healing the mind, body, and soul happens so that one can experience self-love, good health, and happiness.
As Featured In First For Women Magazine!
I've also been featured in the First For Woman Magazine. In the article I talk about my healing journey and how eating fruits and vegetables transformed my mind, body and soul.

In the article I am quoted saying, 

Halle Cottis, healed herself by adding celery juice and vegetables and fruits to her diet.  

"I’m not just talking an apple a day - I’m talking a lot of fruit - and my health began to shift,” she says. “I was giving my mind, body, and soul what it needed to heal.” 

It wasn’t exactly easy, Halle says, but it was very rewarding and taught her a lot about herself. “Healing can happen, you're a healing crusader” she says. “It’s just around the corner, within reach..."
Q: Why should I do this challenge over all the other challenges that are floating around the inter-web? 
I totally get that you have so many choices out there and that in itself can be completely overwhelming. But instead of taking one course after another you have the unique opportunity to hire an expert right out of the gate. I know where you are RIGHT NOW because I've been where you are and I know the EXACT steps it'll take to get you the RESULTS that you desire. 

Q: How do I get access to the Challenge?
When you complete your purchase, you’ll immediately be redirected to a page that will give you the instructions on how to join the member's area and how to join our exclusive Private Facebook Group.

**IMPORTANT NOTE** PLEASE check your email (and spam folder) for an email from us immediately after you sign up. Then whitelist our e-mail address. If you’ve got Gmail, move the message from your Promotions folder into your Primary Inbox. 


I’ll be communicating with you via e-mail as well, and I don’t want you to miss a single, fabulous drop of the goodness I’m dishing up for you!

Q: When does the challenge start?
June 1st is GO time, baby!

Q: Where do I access my bonus material?
Your bonus material will be in the member's area.

Q: How will the prizes be awarded?
This will all be revealed inside the 15-Day Challenge Facebook Group.

Q: When will I get my entry fee back after I refer 3 friends?
Once you email my team your three friends that joined, we'll issue a refund right away.

Q: I’m never on Facebook, can I still participate?
Friend…for 15 days you are gonna have to be on Facebook. Just ignore the Newsfeed and stick in our group! Ok?

Got other questions about the 15-Day Challenge that aren’t answered here? 
Hi!  I'm Halle Cottis.  As an author, personal development strategist, and life coach I've helped thousands of women to live the best version of their authentic self.

I'm on a mission to liberate exhausted moms, overwhelmed personal development junkies, and anxious entrepreneurs who are not living  true to themselves to walk into life being EXACTLY who they were meant to be.
Husband: David Cottis (My best friend and life partner who always knows how to light the fire inside of me).

Children: Three opinionated teenage girls (hey that builds character, right?)!

Favorite Past–Times: boating, fishing, sitting on a beach enjoying sunsets (I live in Florida, what did you expect), entertaining, traveling, cooking

Biggest Accomplishment: being an entrepreneur and building 2 thriving businesses (one online and one brick and mortar), and fulfilling a life-long dream of becoming a traditionally published author.

Favorite Movie: Thelma and Louise (I mean who doesn't love a young Brad Pitt and two best friends out on an adventure, am I right?!?)

Biggest Source of Inspiration: My children, who always seem to see the world through a fresh lens!

Best Advice: “Surround yourself with the dreamers and doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see greatness within you, even when you don't see it in yourself ” – Russell Brunson

Biggest Surprise: Being told that I was having twins, and then being told again that I had an 80% chance of having another set of multiples after having my first set of twins...And I'm talking all natural!

Nicknames: Hal, Hal-Bercula, Mama

Biggest Superpower: Empowering women to confidently live in alignment with this message..."The path I choose today is ME, and this me is better for it".

What I'm Most Proud Of: Showing my girls what a successful and loving marriage looks like and teaching them daily how to love, honor, and respect themselves and others around them.
Limitless Potential 15-Day Challenge 
Where The Path You Choose Today Is YOU!
Normally $197
JUST $47
About The Book...
Do you want to create the best environment possible that can protect and prevent you and your family from being unwell?
Are you tired of relying on pharmaceutical companies to help you with your health issues only to find that many of the prescribed drugs are actually causing you more harm than good?

In Natural Solutions For Cleaning & Wellness, holistic wellness coach, Halle Cottis, takes you on an  journey to help you removing toxins and harsh chemicals from your home and  helps you improve your health with natural health remedies.

One decision helped this unhealthy, frustrated mom on the verge of abandoning her efforts for good health and well being, to finally discover the missing link to why so many were suffering with health issues. Now she’s helping thousands of others do the same.

If you’re ready to…
  • Transform your house to a toxin-free home
  • Create natural remedies that alleviate health problems
  •  Create an environment that's optimal for good health and happiness...
…then why the hell are you still reading this page? Join the 21-Day Challenge and let’s get moving on the path to living your best life.  

You've been waiting for that special someone to walk with you on this journey and I'm that person , so let’s get going!

21-Day Challenge To Living Your Life Full Of Self-love, Good Health, & Happiness! 
Normally $197
JUST $47
It's time to say hello to a new and improved life.
The 28-Day Healing Cleanse is the right cleanse at the right time to help you live the life you deserve.
And the 28-Day Healing Cleanse Challenge is the right plan to get you there.
Click the button below to sign up right now...
The decision is now.
$455   $37
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